


Real Estate 代理 Pre-License

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Real Estate License Renewal Requirements

Important Notice for Real Estate 学生 - Changes to Illinois State Real Estate Educational Requirements

由于2000年《电子竞技竞彩平台》的修改,以下变更将于5月1日生效, 2011: 将该法案下的许可证类别从销售人员和经纪人更改为经纪人和管理经纪人. 当涉及到他们在交易中合作的房地产许可人时,“经纪人”一词是公众所认同的. 管理经纪人,是指在经纪业务中具有管理权限和责任的人.




        • 将执照的入门级——现在的“经纪人”——从45小时的执照前课程增加到90小时的执照前课程.
        • 规定其中15个小时应在课堂或互动环境中提供“情境”服务.
        • 要求经纪人在第一次更新期间接受30小时的执照后教育. 15 of those hours must be situational in an interactive setting.
        • 每个续期需要12个小时的继续教育(除了第一个阶段,当30个小时的执照后课程).


      • 规定销售人员必须在2012年4月30日之前通过能力考试(由执照预备课程提供者提供)才能转为“经纪人”执照类别。, 或者参加30个小时的教育并通过考试(由执照前课程提供商提供);
      • 在2011年4月30日(下一个销售人员续期结束)之后不再有新的销售人员许可证,但将许可证有效期延长至2012年4月30日.
      • New "broker management" license available 5/1/11.
      • Existing brokers who are not managing, no new requirements.
      • 在2011年4月30日在IDFPR备案的经纪人必须在2012年4月30日之前通过能力考试(由预执照提供商提供)。, or take 45 hours of coursework and pass an exam (given by a pre-license provider).

代理 Real Estate 销售 License Renewals

If you were licensed as a 销售person on or before April 30, 2007:
• 12 Hours of CE is Required
• 6 Core/Mandatory Hours

If you were licensed as a 销售person between May 1, 2007 and April 30, 2008:
• Six Hours of CE is Required
• Three Core/Mandatory Hours

If you were licensed as a 销售person on or after May 1, 2008:

代理 CE Requirements for 2010 Renewal

If you were licensed as a 代理 on or before 4/30/2008
   • 18 Hours of 继续教育 Required: Six Core Credits + Six Elective Credits
   • Six Hours 代理 Management

If you are a 代理 previously Licensed as a 销售person
   • 18 Hours of 继续教育 Required: Six Core + Six Elective Credits AND
   • Six Hours 代理 Management due within 180 Days of Licensure

Licensed as a 代理 Between 5/1/2008 and 4/30/2009. *If not previously licensed as a salesperson
   • Six Hours 代理 Management due within 180 days of licensure.

Licensed as a 代理 on or after 5/1/2009 AND not previously licensed as a salesperson
   • Six Hours of 代理 Management due within 180 days of Licensure


      • 持续教育必须在2008年5月1日至2010年4月30日续期期间完成.
      • 额外的6小时经纪人管理继续教育应在2008年5月1日至2010年4月30日期间完成.
      • 继续教育学分的经纪人课程可以申请,如果课程是双重许可. IAR courses are dually licensed and include credit according to the following:
        • 代理age 政府 – Three Hours Core
        • Advanced Principles 2000 – Three Hours Core
        • Contracts – Three Hours Core
        • 销售 & 代理age – Three Hours Elective
        • Appraisal – Three Hours Elective
        • Finance – Three Hours Elective
        • Principles Review – NO CE CREDIT

如在2009年5月1日前修习的经纪人课程,并用作营业员续期的CE学分, they cannot be used as credit towards broker's renewal. 为IDFPR纪律目的而取得的继续教育,不得用作续领教育证书.

Licensees must retain all original certification of completion for their files. 在审计的情况下,它们是令人满意地完成继续教育学分的证据.


Do I need to worry about the conversion right now?

What are the new license categories under the revised act?

I am a real estate salesperson with an active license. How long will my license remain in effect?

What will the requirements be for a salesperson converting to a broker?

What will the requirements be for a broker converting to a managing broker?

What will the requirements be for a newly licensed broker effective May 1, 2011?
